首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped清潔劑 > 第29部分

第29部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 嘴強玩家:我一句話解封眾神全民海洋求生:一發入魂出奇跡玩個遊戲而已,怎麼成邪神了?海島求生:我靠錦鯉崽崽囤物資小木屋求生:無限危機網遊:開局雙隱藏職業?我全都要滿級單防的我,虐哭了梅西C羅玄幻開局一身無敵大招小說全文免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒玄幻開局一身無敵大招免費閱讀全文矩陣生存:每天一個隨機寶箱羅天藍秀兒小說最新章節免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒免費閱讀無彈窗九卷天書諸天無敵羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵丸子先生羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵最新章節線上閱讀羅天藍秀兒小說全文免費閱讀九卷天書諸天無敵小說全文免費閱讀全民十連抽,我能看到抽獎機率夏天司馬蘭網遊:得知我的天賦,妹子們跪了

lls came back from

cleaning up in the washroom; everyone fell quiet。 Her hair

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looked awful。 It was sort of oiled to her scalp and still had little chunks of food in it。 She

glared at me so hard it looked like she was trying to get laser

beams to shoot from her eyes。

A couple of adults steered her back to her seat; and then everyone started whispering

double…speed。 And Bryce didn't even seem to care! He

kept trying to e over and talk to me; but either he'd get intercepted by a teacher or I'd

dash away from him before he had a chance to say


When the dismissal bell finally rang; I said a quick goodbye to Jon and bolted out the door。 I

couldn't reach my bike fast enough! I was the first

one off campus; and I pedaled home so hard it felt as though my lungs would burst。

Mrs。 Stueby was out front watering her flower bed and she tried to say something to me; but I

just dropped my bike in the driveway and escaped

into the house。 I certainly didn't want to talk about roosters!

My mother heard me slamming doors and came to check on me in my room。 “Julianna!

What's wrong?”

I flipped over on my bed to face her and wailed; “I am so confused! I don't know what to think

or feel or do…!”

She sat down beside me on the bed and stroked my hair。 “Tell me what happened;


I hesitated; then threw my hands

