首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped清潔劑 > 第29部分

第29部分(第3/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 無限刷屬性,一箭射爆諸天林默安幼魚我的養成系女友免費閱讀全文林默安幼魚我的養成系女友最新章節線上閱讀我的養成系女友佛系和尚詭霧降臨,我洞穿一切機緣御蘿她拒絕封神公路求生,我能入侵修改系統網遊之我的屬性變變變讓你發育領地,你打造神靈軍團?黑暗求生:我能無限合成網遊之亂世輝煌聯盟之臥龍軍師想他穿越火線之我在火線世界武俠:我,暴打重生者NBA:愛發推特的我統治了聯盟金幣億萬萬,我養出眾神領地虹卡對決網壇之資料天王王者:扮演女英雄,我成全民女神

n't bid on Bryce。 What a fool I would

have made of myself! Watching Shelly and Miranda fawning all over him didn't bother me

nearly as much as I thought it would。 Really; they looked


Jon asked about my family; so I was telling him about my brothers and their band when a

huge motion broke out over at Bryce's table。

Suddenly Shelly and Miranda were rolling on the floor like an enormous furball; smearing

each other with food。

Out of nowhere Bryce appeared at our table。 He grabbed my hand; pulled me a few feet

away; and whispered; “Do you like him?”

I was stunned。

He held my other hand and asked again; “Do you like him?”

“You mean Jon?”


I can't remember what I said。 He was looking into my eyes; holding my hands tight; and then

he began pulling me toward him。 My heart was racing

and his eyes were closing and his face was ing toward mine…。 Right there; in front of all

the other basket boys and their dates and the adults;

he was going to kiss me。

To kiss me。

I panicked。 I'd been waiting all my life for that kiss; and now?

I yanked free and ran back to my table; and when I sat down Jon whispered; “Did he just try

to kiss you?”

I turned my chair away from Bryce and whispered; “Can we please talk about something else?

Anything else?”

People were whispering and looking my way; and when Shelly Sta

