首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped清潔劑 > 第29部分

第29部分(第5/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 奇門風水大天師開局被貶為庶民,我直升陸地神仙華娛:瀟灑人生抗戰:我能賦予小兵詞條斷絕關係後,我繼承了鎮北王都重生了誰還混社會戀綜:你惹他幹嘛?他五行缺德啊美漫:我的運氣有億點點好!七零軍婚:那兩口子都有點癲一別兩寬,將軍自重,妾身想獨美閨蜜齊穿書!嫁糙漢!你離我也離天物覺醒:我能刻印一切大明:朱元璋假死,我選擇登基!騎士與魔杖LOL:一戰成名,出道即巔峰異界打造奇觀,從神級酒館開始中國籃球復興之路全民永生?我稍微開個掛我,工匠大師,你讓我拯救世界?公路求生,開局半條命一條狗

 up in the air。 “He tried to kiss me!”

My mother struggled not to let it show; but underneath her posed expression was a

growing smile。 She leaned in a little and asked; “Who



She hesitated。 “But you've always liked him…。”

The doorbell rang。 And rang again。 My mom started to get up; but I grabbed her arm and

said; “Don't get that!” The bell rang again; and almost

right after that there was a loud knocking at the door。 “Mom; please! Don't get it。 That's

probably him!”

“But sweetheart …”

“I was over him! pletely over him!”

“Since when?”

“Since last Friday。 After the dinner。 If he had vanished from the face of the earth after our

dinner at the Loskis'; I wouldn't have cared!”

“Why? Did something happen at the dinner that I don't know about?”

I threw myself back onto my pillow and said; “It's too plicated; Mom! I …I just can't talk

about it。”

“My;” she said after a moment。 “Don't you sound like a teenager。”

“I'm sorry;” I whimpered; because I knew I was hurting her feelings。 I sat up and said; “Mom;

all those years I liked him? I never really knew him。 All

I knew was that he had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen and that his smile melted my

heart like the sun melts butter。 But now I know that inside

he's a coward and a sneak; so I've got to get over what he's like on the outside!”

My mother leaned


[排球]落差 作者:川北昊天邪帝風雲之我是聶風的娘星尊霸寵一神秘嬌妻天子御龍記