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第70章 啞書 The Dumb Book(第2/4 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 紅顏密探穿越惡女稱霸,專收惡人庫房絕世武神鳳凰涅盤1234567渡劫失敗後她在娛樂圈爆火了被休後,金銀堆成山,渣夫悔斷腸病秧子在生存遊戲拯救世界百貨風雲:時空超市的邂逅回到古代:種田養牛糧滿倉拒婚?閃嫁最強軍官羞紅了臉真假替換殺豬盤,六零香江發財了擅長作弄的高木同學世界裡的貓穿書成了仙門內奸驚!女帝竟是我自己!宋家的傻姑娘重生了愚孝半生,替嫁後我斷親全家災厄國運:開局SSS級隱藏天賦分手後蘇總紅了眼,雨夜跪地求複合被趕下山的我,自己建立家族通房假死後,禁慾世子苦尋三年我都掀翻無情道了,誰還在乎你們火葬場

oung man, that he studied the dead languages, and sang and even posed many songs; then something had happened to him, and in consequence of this he gave himself up to drink, body and mind. when at last he had ruined his health, they brought him into the country, where someone paid for his board and residence. he was gentle as a child as long as the sullen mood did not e over him; but when it came he was fierce, became as strong as a giant, and ran about in the wood like a chased deer.


but when we succeeded in bringing him home, and prevailed upon him to open the book with the dried-up plants in it, he would sometimes sit for a whole day looking at this or that plant, while frequently the tears rolled over his cheeks.


God knows what was in his mind; but he requested us to put the book into his coffin, and now he lies there.


In a little while the lid will be placed upon the coffin, and he will have sweet rest in the grave!”

蓋在他臉上的布被掀開了;死者的臉上露出安詳的神情 —— 一道陽光灑在上面。

the cloth which covered his face was lifted up; the dead man’s face expressed peace — a sunbeam fell upon it.


A swallow flew with the swiftness of an arrow into the arbour, turning in its flight, and twittered over the dead man’s head.

翻閱我們年輕時的舊信件,這是一種多麼奇怪的感覺啊 —— 我們肯定都有過這種感覺 —— 彷彿一種

