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第70章 啞書 The Dumb Book(第1/4 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 偏偏寵上你聽雨一夜夢境來辜負我真心,離婚你後悔什麼?重生回到法庭上,我審判百萬人!鬥羅:變廢柴後,她成了唐三姐姐白月光神君和他的怨種小徒弟偏愛白月光,我去父留子你瘋什麼離死還有半年,總裁妻子悔不當初舔狗十年,我抽身而退她卻瘋了情深緣淺付流年遮天之九葉劍草臨世重生七零:娶了村花後,綠茶前任悔不當初八零:穿進換親文當神豪富養閨蜜造反成功了,你說我爺爺是秦始皇?花哨無限流:我鹹魚畫家努力不了一點詭弈玲瓏警官我真殺人了,你們怎麼不信呢!和扶弟魔老婆離婚後,我直接走上巔峰!鬥羅之開局收徒雨浩

《啞書》,1851 年

the dumb book, 1851


In the high-road which led through a wood stood a solitary farm-house; the road, in fact, ran right through its yard.


the sun was shining and all the windows were open; within the house people were very busy.


In the yard, in an arbour formed by lilac bushes in full bloom, stood an open coffin; thither they had carried a dead man, who was to be buried that very afternoon.


Nobody shed a tear over him; his face was covered over with a white cloth, under his head they had placed a large thick book, the leaves of which consisted of folded sheets of blotting-paper, and withered flowers lay between them; it was the herbarium which he had gathered in various places and was to be buried with him, according to his own wish.


Every one of the flowers in it was connected with some chapter of his life.

“死者是誰?” 我們問道。

“who is the dead man?” we asked.

“那個老學生,” 有人回答說。“他們說他曾經是個精力充沛的年輕人,學習過古代語言,還唱歌,甚至創作了很多歌曲;後來他遭遇了一些變故,結果就身心都沉溺於飲酒了。當他最終搞垮了自己的身體後,他們就把他帶到了鄉下,在那裡有人為他支付食宿費用。只要他不陷入陰鬱的情緒,他就溫順得像個孩子;但一旦情緒低落,他就會變得很兇,力大如巨人,在樹林裡跑來跑去,就像一隻被追趕的鹿。”

“the old student,” was the reply. “they say that he was once an energetic y
