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第63章 一滴水 The Drop of Water(第1/3 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設快穿擺爛哪家強,宿主第一稱大王都市,我在劇中求穩妥穿越時空來看你農家夫妻七零對照組,女主讓我別擺爛了穆二爺的掌心寵:她上頭有神!廢材崛起至尊冰皇我的道侶每天在飆戲剛穿越MC,我的系統就跑路了!從末世到六零:大佬她只想搞事快穿:每個世界都被眾人爆寵白客小姐和BUG先生的日常炮灰手冊:向作者獻上HE劇本!姜有穿成宮三姐姐後我被宮二盯上了柯南之我真不是紅方

《一滴水》,1848 年

the drop of water, 1848

放大鏡是什麼,你肯定知道 —— 就是那種圓圓的鏡片,能把一切東西放大一百倍,比實際的要大得多。

what a magnifying glass is, you surely know — such a round sort of spectacle-glass that makes everything full a hundred times larger than it really is.


when one holds it before the eye, and looks at a drop of water out of the pond, then one sees above a thousand strange creatures.


It looks almost like a whole plateful of shrimps springing about among each other, and they are so ravenous, they tear one another’s arms and legs, tails and sides, and yet they are glad and pleased in their way.

從前有個老頭兒,大家都叫他 “爬來爬去”,因為那就是他的名字。

Now, there was once an old man, who was called by every body creep-and-crawl; for that was his name.


he would always make the best out of everything, and when he could not make anything out of it he resorted to witchcraft.


Now, one day he sat and held his magnifying glass before his eye, and looked at a drop of water that was taken out of a little pool in the ditch.


what a creeping and crawling was there! all the thousands of small creatures hopped and jumped about, pulled one another, and pecked one another.

“這太可惡了!”“爬來爬去” 說,“難道就不能讓它們和平安靜地生活,各幹各的事兒嗎?”
