首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 美麗英文怎麼拼讀 > 第11部分

第11部分(第1/7 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網遊之亂世輝煌聯盟之臥龍軍師想他穿越火線之我在火線世界武俠:我,暴打重生者NBA:愛發推特的我統治了聯盟金幣億萬萬,我養出眾神領地虹卡對決網壇之資料天王王者:扮演女英雄,我成全民女神領主:開局召喚齊天大聖孫悟空女裝一萬次,我不乾淨了!生存遊戲:開局給個王寶釧別人公路求生,我開局招募大兵擁有魔王基因的我,真沒想吃軟飯網遊三國佔山為王nba歷史最強球員網遊:開局成為邪龍之子全民副本,我能自選獎勵遊戲降臨:從單機開始逐步成神

“All I want is someone who loves me; ” I said。

Kate visited the next day。 She explained that it would take a year for the adoption to be finalized; but I could move in with her soon。 I was excited but afraid; too。 Kate and I were total strangers。 I wondered if she’d change her mind once she got to know me。

Kate sensed my fear。 “I know you’ve been hurt; ”she said; hugging me。 “I know you’re scared。 But I promise I’ll never send you away。 We’re a family now。”

To my surprise; her eyes were filled with tears。 Suddenly I realized that she was as lonely as I was!

“Okay 。。。 Mom; ” I said。

The following week I met my new grandparents; aunt; uncle and cousins。 It felt funny—but good—to be with strangers who hugged me as though they already loved me。


When I moved in with Mom; I had my own room for the first time。 It had wallpaper and a matching bedspread; an antique dresser and a big closet。 I had only a few clothes I’d brought with me in a brown paper bag。 “Don’t worry;” Mom said。 “I’ll buy you lots of pretty new things。”

I went to sleep that night feeling safe。 I prayed I wouldn’t have to leave。

Mom did lots of nice things for me。 She took me to church。 She let me have pets and gave me horseback riding and piano lessons。 Every day; she told me she loved me。 But love wasn’t enough to heal the hurt inside me。 I kept waiting for her to change her mind。 I thought; “If I act bad enough; she’ll leave me like the o

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