第63頁(第1/4 頁)
[77]theophanes 348,18
[78]ecaspar,&l;die lateransynode von 649&r;,zeitschrfkirchensch51(1932),75-137
[79]cfppeeters,analboll51(1933),225 ff
[80]cfabrilliantov,&l;o ste koncy i pogrebenija svaksia ispovednika&r;(on the place of the death and burial of staxi the nfesr),christvostok 6(1917),1-62
[81]cf,for stance,acta axii,c4,igne,pg 90,117 bc
[82]chronica ora,scriptores syri 4,55cfal scylitzes-cedren 1,762
[83]cfhartann,schichte italiens i ittelalter 2,1(1900),248 ff;brooks,h 2(1911),394 ff;kulakovskij,istorija 3,221 ff
[84]theophanes 348,4;351,14
[85]theoph352 says that,after the urder of his father,nstante 4 led a force to sicily pern and this is ofter aepted odern works,but it has been poted out that it is erroneo by ewbrooks,&l;the sicilian expedition of nstante 4&r;,bz 17(1908),455-9;cfal h 2(1913),395,and kulakovskij,istorija 3,235 and 358hgrégoire,b 13(1938),170,has attepted to jtify theophanes&r;aount,but brooks&r;view still sees to to be the ore probable
[86]cfkulakovskij,istorija 3,232 f
[87]th the sie of nstanle lasted five years(674-8)theoph354 and nicephor 32 ataed that the struggle for nstanle lasted seven years,although theophhiself(355 ff)puts the peace treaty the year 678apparently both the chroniclers reckoned fro the capture of cyzic,as is poted out by gibbon,edbury,62,note 1
[88]on greek fire see czenghelis,&l;le feu gréois et les ars à feu des byzants&r