第126頁(第2/4 頁)
donian,and the dynasty he founded is referred to as the acedonian dynasty,he had nothg to do with acedonia proper,but rather was born thrace, the region of adrianopleit is al far fro certa that he was of arnian extraction,as is ually assud,and as is asserted with great nviction by adontz,&l;basile 1&r;。
[67]the estion as to whether leo 6 was the legitiate n of basil 1 or the illegitiate n of i插el 3 has been freently and hotly disputed,but it can now be taken as proved that he was the n of basil 1;cfnadontz,&l;basile 1&r;,501 ffavogt,ora funèbre de basile 1 par n fils leon 6le sa(1932),10 ff,no lonr atas his earlier view that leo was illegitiate(basile 1,60 ff,and h 4,51 and 54)vogt&r;s new chronology is,however,open to estion and it sees preferable to hold with adontz that nstante was the n of basil&r;s first arria and that he did not arry eudocia ra until about 865,and al with grul,&l;notes de chronologie byzante&r;,eo 35(1936),331 ff,that leo was born on 19 septeber 866(cfal vogt,revue hist174(1934),389,note 1,where leo 6&r;s birth is no lonr put 864,but on 1 septeber 866)。
[68]the urces give nflictg ration on the as of alexander and stephen,and adontz,&l;basile l&r;,503 ff,sets out to prove that alexander,born 870,was basil i&r;s younst nthe clear aount the vita euthyii,edpkarl-hayter,b 25/27(1955/7),10,20 and nstante porphyronit hiself sees to to be preferable to the ration the logothete&r;s chronicle which is not always reliable on the faily h