第126頁(第1/4 頁)
[60]photii epistolae,igne,pg 102,736 fit is a uch discsed estion as to whether the rsians who attacked nstanle 860 ca fro kiev or fro the tutorakan district;cffull bibliography the detailed and exhative survey by vos,&l;varjagorskij vopros&r;(the varango-rsian estion),slavia 10(1931),109-36,343-79,501-37,and&l;nacalo ri,norany v vostooj evrope&r;(the origs of rsia:the norans eastern europe),bs 3(1931),38-58,285-307avasiliev,the rsian attack on nstanle 169 ff,has now decided favour of kiev
[61]cfdvornik,les slaves 60 ff
[62]the very extensive literature on the apostles to the slavs has been piled by gailjskij,opyt sisteaticeskoj kirillo-fodievskoj bibliografii(an attept at a systeatic cyrillo-thodian bibliography),fia 1934this has been ntued by popruzěnko-sroanski,kirilotodievska bibliografija za 1934-40 g(cyrillo-thodian bibliography 1934-40),fia 1942
[63]availlant and lascaris,&l;la date de la nversion des bulgares&r;,revue desétudes slaves 13(1933),5 ff(and see al danastasijevic,archiv za arbanasku staru(archives for early albanian history),2(1924),137 ff)show that the date of the baptis of boris-i插el was all probability 864 and not 865(as zlatarski,istorija 1,2,p27 ff,and runcian,bulgarian epire 104)。
[64]this can be renstructed fro epistni 86 and 98 ad i插ele ip,gh ep6,2,1,pp454 ff,488 ff(edperels),dolr,reg464
[66]that is,fro north-western thrace(see above,p194)although he is ually described as ace