第172頁(第1/4 頁)
[52]fro the period of alexi 1, addition to the sterlg gold noisa,six different types of noisata ted vario kds of tal have been preserved,cfwroth,byzs 1,pll101 iand 2,540 ff
[53] actual fact the byzante noisa sank still lower vaethe iportant iperial rulgs()on the estions raised by the tax llectors on this atter are given zepos,j 1,319 ffcfvasiljevskij,&l;aterialy&r;,vol210,385 ff;插landon,alexis i,320 ff;ostrogorsky,&l;steuerde&r;63 ff;dolr,reg1230,1234,1245,1246,1247
[54]zepos,j 1,334cfdolr,fanzverwaltung 75
[55]cfal the lengthy lists of different kds of tax and of paynts kd alexi i&r;s 插rters,iklosich-&uul;ller 6,27 f,47 f
[56]cfthe enurations the docunts of alexi 1 of ay 1086 and april 1088,rouillard-llop,actes de lavra 1,111,and iklosich-&uul;ller 6,47cfal the terestg ration about the racial position of the byzante ary the seventies and eighties of the eleventh century given by aavasiliev,&l;the anglo-saxon iigration to byzantiu&r;,annales de l&r;stkondakov 9(1937),58 f
[57]cfostrogorsky,féodalité,26 ff
[58]byzante urces do not provide direct evidence on this,but the nuro and precise references the chronicle of the orea,and the veian docunts for the district of scadar,pot to this ncsioncfostrogorsky,la féodalité57 ffand 237 ff
[59] theophylact of ochrida,igne,pg126,532 f,it is significant that the recruits are called;for further ration cfutafciev,vojniski zei 53 ff,and xanalatos,beitra