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第85章 潛逃的天使(第1/4 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 矩陣生存:每天一個隨機寶箱羅天藍秀兒小說最新章節免費閱讀羅天藍秀兒免費閱讀無彈窗九卷天書諸天無敵羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵丸子先生羅天藍秀兒九卷天書諸天無敵最新章節線上閱讀羅天藍秀兒小說全文免費閱讀九卷天書諸天無敵小說全文免費閱讀全民十連抽,我能看到抽獎機率夏天司馬蘭網遊:得知我的天賦,妹子們跪了網遊:蛻變之路無限刷屬性,一箭射爆諸天林默安幼魚我的養成系女友免費閱讀全文林默安幼魚我的養成系女友最新章節線上閱讀我的養成系女友佛系和尚詭霧降臨,我洞穿一切機緣御蘿她拒絕封神公路求生,我能入侵修改系統網遊之我的屬性變變變


“president Yada, there has been an extremely dangerous figure escaping from the experimental base recently. colonel mason has instructed you to find him. If you find him, it will be a credit. If you cannot find him, I believe you know colonel mason's temper.(矢田社長,最近實驗基地逃出去一個極度危險的人物,梅森上校指名要你去找,如果找到的話那就是功勞一件,如果找不到的話,梅森上校的脾氣我想你是知道的。)”費尼特透過電話道。

“dr. Fenett, I'm very busy. I'm currently the president of Shine and I don't have time to do these things.(費尼特博士,我很忙的,我現在是Shine的總裁,我根本就沒有時間去做這些。)”矢田真武透過電話道。

“president Yada, I advise you to be more understanding. If it weren't for us, could you sit in the position of president Shine now? why, now that we have achieved our wish, do you want to kick us away? the position of president Shine is small, be careful not to risk your life.(矢田社長,我勸你最好還是放明白一些,如果不是我們,你現在能坐上Shine總裁這個位置嗎?怎麼,現在如願以償了就想一腳把我們踢開嗎?Shine總裁的位置是小,小心小命不保。)”費尼特透過電話威脅道。

“dr. Fenett, I had agreed with colonel mason that I would provide him with the experimental body, and he would ensure that I sit as the president of Shine. the rest is your own business.(費尼特博士,當初我跟梅森上校說好的,我幫他提供實驗體,他保我坐上Shine的總裁,其他的就是你們自己的事情了。)”矢田真武透過電話道。

“president Yada, if something happens here, do you really think you can escape unscathed? Since the day you worked with mason, we have been grasshoppers on the same rope, either winning together or dying together!(矢田社長,如果我們這邊出了事,你真的以為自己能全身而退嗎?從你跟梅森合作的那天起,咱們就已經是一條繩上的螞蚱了,要麼就一起
