首頁 > 其他小說 > 一句一譯的安徒生童話 > 第53章 接骨木樹媽媽 The Little Elder-Tree Mother

第53章 接骨木樹媽媽 The Little Elder-Tree Mother(第1/15 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 制霸文娛!擺爛真千金她十項全能好狗晚折春琴酒,你能別耽誤我做好人嗎齊穿七零,閨蜜賺錢,我躺贏!年代軍婚:女特種兵不好惹橫濱養崽事件簿末世重生:我有金大腿我怕什麼屍校鬼語我真的只有一把殘劍火影:扒一扒千手家的宇智波少女諸天斬魔從第一誡開始斬神:當惡女成為騰蛇代理人上窮碧落下黃泉只與你相守鳳還巢,將女歸火影:穿越成銀狼開局被帶土擄走穿越五九年:開局就代嫁給妹夫守護甜心星空之願來自舊時光四合院:老婆景甜,秦淮如酸了

《接骨木樹媽媽》,1845 年

the Little Elder-tree mother, 1845


there was once a little boy who had caught cold; he had gone out and got wet feet.


Nobody had the least idea how it had happened; the weather was quite dry.


his mother undressed him, put him to bed, and ordered the teapot to be brought in, that she might make him a good cup of tea from the elder-tree blossoms, which is so warming.


At the same time, the kind-hearted old man who lived by himself in the upper storey of the house came in; he led a lonely life, for he had no wife and children; but he loved the children of others very much, and he could tell so many fairy tales and stories, that it was a pleasure to hear him.

“現在,把茶喝了,” 媽媽說,“也許你能聽一個故事。”

“Now, drink your tea,” said the mother; “perhaps you will hear a story.”

“好的,要是我能想出一個新的來就好了,” 老人說,然後微笑著點了點頭。

“Yes, if I only knew a fresh one,” said the old man, and nodded smilingly.

“可這小傢伙的腳是怎麼弄溼的呢?” 他接著問道。

“but how did the little fellow get his wet feet?” he then asked.

“這個呀,” 媽媽回答說,“誰也弄不明白。”

“that,” replied the mother, “nobody can understand.”

“你能給我講個故事嗎?” 男孩問道。

“will you tell me a story?” asked the boy.

