首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 快樂王子的故事全文英文翻譯 > 第8部分

第8部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 死亡億次,我複製天賦殺穿萬族!王者:班主任竟是遊戲主播?等級無上限,百倍開始億倍升級網遊:史上最強菜鳥劍士全民領主:從吸血鬼開始無限爆兵全民遊戲:開局極夜荒野求生網遊武俠:我以長槍鎮壓萬世!全民求生:我那神奇的運氣網遊:神級序列締造者王者:全能戰神,開局和女神同居進球至上她是領主重來一次,覺醒短跑聖體伊格拉爾身為冷兵器高手會玩網遊很合理吧王者:140段通天邊,震驚全網貪婪洞窟:我的幸運提高一切機率剛子,你怎麼還在砍傳奇NBA:這個前鋒眾望所歸NBA:我要當Goat王!

〃Certainly;〃 exclaimed the Bengal Light; who was now in better spirits;

〃that is only mon sense。〃

〃mon sense; indeed!〃 said the Rocket indignantly; 〃you forget that

I am very unmon; and very remarkable。 Why; anybody can have

mon sense; provided that they have no imagination。 But I have

imagination; for I never think of things as they really are; I always think of

them as being quite different。 As for keeping myself dry; there is

evidently no one here who can at all appreciate an emotional nature。

Fortunately for myself; I don't care。 The only thing that sustains one

through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody

else; and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated。 But none of you

have any hearts。 Here you are laughing and making merry just as if the

Prince and Princess had not just been married。〃

〃Well; really;〃 exclaimed a small Fire…balloon; 〃why not? It is a most


The Happy Prince and Other Tales

joyful occasion; and when I soar up into the air I intend to tell the stars all

about it。 You will see them twinkle when I talk to them about the pretty


〃Ah! what a trivial view of life!〃 said the Rocket; 〃but it is only what I

expected。 There is nothing in you; you are hollow and empty。 Why;

perhaps the Prince and Princess may go to live in a country where there is

a deep river; and
