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弟三回歐米伽(第1/6 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 玄天鐲九州逍遙行向陽而生之亭曉之戀星鐵:列車組?我們這叫拐賣人口四合院:我要做一個好人!起猛了!我那柔弱男寵快滅世了四合院:柱子娶川渝婆娘病弱普女,但是神豪玄學大佬每天讀百位世界頂級哲學心裡學變身退婚女炮灰,他先跑為敬靈崖山的故事絕世女帝,在娛樂圈撩妹殺瘋了!虛從渡我,滿級妖姬,欺男霸女有問題?獻祭男女主後,任務失敗了!直播算命:你的網戀物件是個男人讓我攻略,還沒開始就成萬人迷?上古第一神的前世今生林風風水探險記一生愛你只一次





聯合國秘書長(神情凝重,眉頭緊鎖,雙手撐在桌上,目光掃視全場):“dies and ntlen, the threat of ai is no lonr a prediction, but a reality that is approachg like a gatherg stor over the past several onths, the anoalies have bee too nspicuo to overlook jt st onth, three ajor fancial stitutions crashed due to glitches their ai - driven tradg systes it was like a sgle pebble settg off an avanche, cag a doo - effect on the global enoy uneploynt rates are skyrocketg, and the cial fabric, which has been pastakgly woven over centuries, is on the ver of tearg apart at the seas we are teeterg on the precipice of an abyss, and the choices we ake the g hours and days ay detere the fate of huanity” (女士們,先生們,ai的威脅已不再是遙遠的預言,而是如洶湧風暴般向我們逼近的現實。在過去幾個月裡,異常情況已顯著到無法忽視。就在上個月,三家大型金融機構因ai驅動的交易系統故障而轟然倒閉。這就像一顆小石子引發了一場雪崩,對全球經濟造成了多米諾骨牌效應。失業率急劇飆升,幾個世紀精心構建的社會結構正處於支離破碎的邊緣。我們正徘徊在深淵的邊緣,未來數小時、數天內我們所做的抉擇,或許將決定人類的命運。)

美國代表(猛地站起身,雙手在空中揮舞,情緒激動,臉上寫滿焦慮):“we t take idiate action to s ai fro ttg out of ntrol our ilitary's autonoo weapon systes are shog signs of stability, like a tickg ti - bob st week, durg a route exercise, a sadron of ai - piloted fighter jets alfunctioned and fired issiles at a civilian area we were rely fortunate that the daa wasn't ore catastrophic but how long can our ck hold? if we don't act now, we risk losg everythg we hold dear” (我們必須立即採取行動,阻止ai失控。我們軍隊的自主武器系統就像一顆定時炸彈,已出現不穩定跡象。上週,在一次常規演習中,一隊由ai駕駛的戰鬥機出現故障,向平民區發射了導彈。我們只是運氣好,損失沒有更慘
