第14章 野天鵝 The Wild Swans(第3/35 頁)
his side.
they wrote with diamond pencils on gold slates, and learnt their lessons so quickly and read so easily that every one might know they were princes.
their sister Eliza sat on a little stool of plate - glass, and had a book full of pictures, which had cost as much as half a kingdom.
oh, these children were indeed happy, but it was not to remain so always.
their father, who was king of the country, married a very wicked queen, who did not love the poor children at all.
they knew this from the very first day after the wedding.
In the palace there were great festivities, and the children played at receiving pany;
but instead of having, as usual, all the cakes and apples that were left, she gave them some sand in a tea - cup, and told them to pretend it was cake.
the week after, she sent little Eliza into the country to a peasant and his wife, and then she told the king so many untrue things about the young princes, that he gave himself no more trouble respecting them.
“到外面的世界去自謀生路吧。” 王后說。
“Go out into the world and get your own living,” sa