第28章 小克勞斯和大克勞斯 Little Claus and Big Claus(第3/22 頁)
t into the next town to sell the horse’s skin.
he had a very long way to go, and had to pass through a dark, gloomy forest.
presently a storm arose, and he lost his way, and before he discovered the right path, evening came on, and it was still a long way to the town, and too far to return home before night.
Near the road stood a large farmhouse.
the shutters outside the windows were closed, but lights shone through the crevices at the top.
“我也許可以請求在這裡過夜。” 小克勞斯想;於是他走到門口敲了敲門。
“I might get permission to stay here for the night,” thought Little claus; so he went up to the door and knocked.
the farmer’s wife opened the door; but when she heard what he wanted, she told him to go away, as her husband would not allow her to admit strangers.
“那我就只好躺在這兒了。” 小克勞斯自言自語道,因為農夫的妻子當著他的面關上了門。
“then I shall be obliged to lie out here,” said Little claus to himself, as the farmer’s wife shut the door in his face.
Near to the farmhouse stood a large haystack, and between it and the house was a small shed, with a thatched roof.
“我可以躺在那兒。” 小克勞斯說,他看到了屋頂,“那會是一張很棒的床,不過我希望鸛不會飛下來咬我的腿。” 因為屋頂上站著一隻活的鸛,它的巢就在屋頂上。
“I can lie up there,” said Little claus, as he saw the roof; “it will make a famous be