第24章 牙疼姨媽 Aunty Toothache(第3/22 頁)
ival (or pensate for) the force of a simple toothache.
where did we get this story? would you like to know?
we got it from the basket that the wastepaper is thrown into.
many a good and rare book has been taken to the delicatessen store and the grocer’s, not to be read, but to be used as wrapping paper for starch and coffee, beans, for salted herring, butter, and cheese. Used writing paper has also been found suitable.
Frequently one throws into the wastepaper basket what ought not to go there.
I know a grocer’s assistant, the son of a delicatessen store owner.
he has worked his way up from serving in the cellar to serving in the front shop; he is a well-read person, his reading consisting of the printed and written matter to be found on the paper used for wrapping.
他有一個有趣的收藏,包括從忙碌而心不在焉的官員的廢紙簍裡找到的幾份重要官方檔案,一些從一個女性朋友寫給另一個女性朋友的機密信件 —— 不能再傳播、不能被任何人提及的醜聞報告。
he has an interesting collection, consisting of several important official documents from the wastepaper baskets of busy and absent-minded officials, a few confidential letters from one lady friend to another - reports of scandal which were not to go further, not to be mentioned by a soul.