第33章 護身符 The Talisman(第3/7 頁)
hen a woman carrying a child in her arm, and holding a little boy by the hand, walked towards him.
As soon as the shepherd saw her, he greeted her and took the little child, whom he kissed and caressed.
In the meantime the woman arranged a meal she had brought along, and then said, “Father, e and eat now!” the man sat down and took of the food, but the first bite he gave to the little boy, and the second he divided between the boy and the dog.
All this was observed by the prince and the princess, who walked closer, and spoke to them, saying, “You must be a truly happily married couple.”
“是的,我們是。” 男人說。“感謝上帝;沒有哪個王子或公主能比我們更幸福!”
“Yes, that we are,” said the man. “God be praised; no prince or princess could be happier than we are!”
“Now listen then,” said the prince. “do us a favor, and you shall never regret it. Give us a small piece of the linen garment you wear close to your body!”
As he spoke, the shepherd and his wife looked strangely at each other, and finally he said, “God knows we would be only too happy to give you not only a small piece, but the whole shirt, or undergarment, if we onl