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第29章 小意達的花兒 Little Ida’s Flowers(第1/15 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 直播算命:玄學大佬過於佛系驚呆了公子!這個丫鬟是戲精陰陽典當大唐:實習生穿越竟成臨川公主!四合院:開局先把媳婦娶了癲妹搶親?換嫁短命太子後我登後位催著我和離,公主上門你哭啥?驚蘼重生人在驚奇先生穿越後,我繼承了原主的桃花債長公主霸王花我只略施手段,黑幫霸總被撩紅溫重生正陽門下和三個女人的故事公主醒來在七零手一癢就想扇人花欲染穿越:系統拿我衝業績快穿之我靠氣運之子成神京夜風雪洪災逃荒,殺神出沒,請避讓白月光師姐她超強的

《小意達的花兒》,1835 年

Little Ida’s Flowers, 1835

“我的可憐的花兒都死了。” 小意達說。

“my poor flowers are quite dead,” said little Ida.

“它們昨天晚上還那麼美麗,現在它們所有的葉子都枯萎了。這是怎麼回事呢?” 坐在沙發上的學生問她。

“they were so beautiful last evening, and now all their leaves hang withered. how can that be?” asked she from the student who sat on the sofa.


She was very fond of him, for he knew the most beautiful tales, and could cut out such wonderful pictures; he could cut out hearts with little dancing ladies in them; flowers he could cut out, and castles with doors that would open. he was a very charming student.

“為什麼花兒今天看起來這麼可憐呢?” 小意達又問,並給學生看了一整束枯萎的花。

“why do the flowers look so miserably to-day?” again asked she, and showed him a whole bouquet of withered flowers.

“你不知道它們怎麼了嗎?” 學生說,“花兒們昨晚去參加舞會了,所以它們才這麼無精打采的。”

“dost thou not know what ails them?” said the student; “the flowers have been to a ball last night, and therefore they droop so.”

“但是花兒不會跳舞呀。” 小意達說。

“but flowers cannot dance,” said little Ida.

“是的,當天黑了,我們都睡著了的時候,它們就歡快地跳起舞來;幾乎每個晚上它們都有舞會!” 學生說。

“Yes, when it is dark, and we are all asleep, then they dance about merrily; nearly every night they have a ball!” said the student.

“沒有小朋友去參加那個舞會嗎?” 意達問。

“can no child go to the ball?” inquired Ida.

“有呀,” 學生說,“小小的雛菊和鈴蘭都會去參加那個舞會。”

“Yes,” said the student, “little t
