首頁 > 其他小說 > 寫出一句對安徒生童話的評價 > 第85章 兩位少女 Two Maidens

第85章 兩位少女 Two Maidens(第2/4 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設快穿擺爛哪家強,宿主第一稱大王都市,我在劇中求穩妥穿越時空來看你農家夫妻七零對照組,女主讓我別擺爛了穆二爺的掌心寵:她上頭有神!廢材崛起至尊冰皇我的道侶每天在飆戲剛穿越MC,我的系統就跑路了!從末世到六零:大佬她只想搞事快穿:每個世界都被眾人爆寵白客小姐和BUG先生的日常炮灰手冊:向作者獻上HE劇本!姜有穿成宮三姐姐後我被宮二盯上了柯南之我真不是紅方

o maidens in the shed associated themselves.

在鋪路工當中它們是 “少女”,並且決定不放棄這個光榮的稱呼,不讓自己被誤稱為 “夯”。

they were “maidens” among the paver folk, and determined not to give up this honorable appellation, and let themselves be miscalled “rammers.

“‘少女’是人的稱呼,而‘手夯’是個物件,我們可不想被叫做物件 —— 那是在侮辱我們。”

“maiden is a human name, but hand-rammer is a thing, and we won’t be called things — that’s insulting us.”

“我的愛人可能會打算放棄婚約,” 最年輕的那個說道,她已經和一把鋪路工用的錘子訂了婚;而錘子是那種能像機器一樣把大木樁打進地裡的東西,所以它做的事和十個 “少女” 以類似方式做的事規模一樣大。

“my lover would be ready to give up his engagement,” said the youngest, who was betrothed to a paver’s hammer; and the hammer is the thing which drives great piles into the earth, like a machine, and therefore does on a large scale what ten maidens effect in a similar way.


“he wants to marry me as a maiden, but whether he would have me were I a hand-rammer is a question, so I won’t have my name changed.”

“而我,” 年長些的那個說,“寧願把我的兩條胳膊都折斷。”

“And I,” said the elder one, “would rather have both my arms broken off.”


but the wheelbarrow was of a different opinion; and the wheelbarrow was looked upon as of some consequence, for he considered himself a quarter of a coach, because he went about upon one wheel.

“我必須提請你們注意,” 它說,“‘少女’這個名字太普通了,遠沒有‘手夯’或者‘搗實器’那麼文雅,後一個名字也有人提議過,要是用了它,你們就能被歸入印章那一類了;想想國家的大印吧,它蓋下皇家印章,讓法律生效!不,就你們的情況而言,

