第67章 一個故事 A Story(第4/9 頁)
A cold wind swept over the pastor’s head; he opened his eyes, and it seemed to him as if the moon was shining into his room.
It was not so, however; there was a being standing before his bed, and looking like the ghost of his deceased wife.
She fixed her eyes upon him with such a kind and sad expression, just as if she wished to say something to him.
the pastor raised himself in bed and stretched his arms towards her, saying, “Not even you can find eternal rest! You suffer, you best and most pious woman?”
死去的女人點了點頭,好像在說 “是”,然後把手放在胸口。
the dead woman nodded her head as if to say “Yes,” and put her hand on her breast.
“And can I not obtain rest in the grave for you?”
“能。” 這就是回答。
“Yes,” was the answer.
“And how?”
“從那個將永受烈火煎熬的罪人頭上給我一根頭髮 —— 就一根頭髮 —— 那個上帝要在地獄裡判以永生懲罰的罪人。”
“Give me one hair — only one single hair — from the head of the sinner for whom the fire shall never be extinguished, of the sinner whom God will condemn to eternal punishment in hell.”
“是啊,應該能這麼輕易地救贖你,你這純潔、虔誠的女人。” 他說。
“Yes, one ought to be able to redeem you so easily, you pure, pious woman,” he said.
“跟我來。” 死去的女人說。“上天准許我們這樣做。在我身邊,你想去哪兒就能飛到哪兒,只要你的心思所至。”
“Follow me,” said the dead woman. “It is thus granted to us. by my s