第13章 夜鶯 The Nightingale(第3/23 頁)
n’s story, premiered in paris in 1914.
Several years later, Stravinsky posed a symphonic poem, “Song of the Nightingale,” for Sergei diaghilev’s ballets Russes.
這部芭蕾舞劇於 1920 年首演,舞美由亨利?馬蒂斯設計,編舞是萊昂尼德?馬辛。
the ballet was first performed in 1920, with sets by henri matisse and choreography by Léonide massine.
Jerry pinkey’s account of his decision to illustrate Andersen’s “Nightingale” reveals how new images for old stories can have designs on the reader.
For him, the girl in the kitchen, who is attuned to nature, bees as important as the nightingale in restoring the Emperor’s health:
the remarkable story of “the Nightingale” has always intrigued me, and in the creation of this adaptation, the plain little bird with a magnificent voice and a big heart became a symbol of the healing power of nature.
the little kitchen girl, who knows where the nightingale lives, became a symbol of hope for the downtrodden.
And the king, who cares for his people but is out of touch with them, learns what it means to feel vulnerable through his own illness.
In the end the king’s recovery is made possible by two of his