首頁 > 其他小說 > 翻譯安徒生童話 > 第24章 牙疼姨媽 Aunty Toothache

第24章 牙疼姨媽 Aunty Toothache(第1/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 直播算命:玄學大佬過於佛系驚呆了公子!這個丫鬟是戲精陰陽典當大唐:實習生穿越竟成臨川公主!四合院:開局先把媳婦娶了癲妹搶親?換嫁短命太子後我登後位催著我和離,公主上門你哭啥?驚蘼重生人在驚奇先生穿越後,我繼承了原主的桃花債長公主霸王花我只略施手段,黑幫霸總被撩紅溫重生正陽門下和三個女人的故事公主醒來在七零手一癢就想扇人花欲染穿越:系統拿我衝業績快穿之我靠氣運之子成神京夜風雪洪災逃荒,殺神出沒,請避讓白月光師姐她超強的


Aunty toothache, 1872



A story about the failures of poetry, “Auntie toothache” ends by validating the power of poetry.

“一切最終都進了垃圾桶。” 這個故事著名的結尾是這樣說的,而垃圾桶正是故事《牙疼姨媽》被發現的地方,但隨後它又被複活、流傳、複述並印刷出來,以一種確保其持久力量的方式。

“Everything ends up in the trash,” the story famously ends, and the trash is precisely the place where the story “Auntie toothache” is found, but then revived, circulated, retold, and put into print in a way that assures its power to endure.

一位評論家將《牙疼姨媽》歸類為 “歡快的” 文字,因為在其中,“詩意的維度越來越多地勝出、滲透並看透可怕的現象和心理混亂”。

one critic has classified “Auntie toothache” as a “euphoric” text, for in it, “the poetical dimension more and more wins over, permeates and sees through the terrible phenomenal and psychological mess”.


to be sure, poetry and pain are secret acplices, both signs of absence and decay, but in this story poetry wins the day by representing the life and writings of the student-poet and assuring that imagination will triumph over pain.

《牙疼姨媽》寫於 1872 年,那一年安徒生拔掉了他最後一顆牙齒。

“Auntie toothache” was written in 1872, the year Andersen had his last remaining tooth extracted.

他加入了從陀思妥耶夫斯基和愛倫?坡到托馬斯?曼和馬丁?艾米斯等一系列作家的行列,這些作家都寫過關於牙疼的詩歌,將痛苦和藝術結合起來,也利用了被稱為與牙齒相關的 “力量、美麗和痛苦” 的聯絡。

he joins a pantheon of writers ranging from dostoevsky and poe to thomas mann and martin Amis who have wri
