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第31章 旅伴 The Travelling Companion(第1/37 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 穿越春秋從娶文姜開始藏錦破鏡不重圓,侯夫人只和離不原諒爬進棺材等死後,侯府全員悔斷腸!留下離婚協議後,顧總失控求複合南風吹夢到西洲誤惹病嬌長公主,尚書大人夜夜被虐哭虐死後重生,她帶崽二嫁京圈大佬穿成土肥圓反派,我靠美食贏麻了平凡校園的玄幻女王謀金枝賣身為奴?紈絝夫君為我掙誥命重回我爸媽的高中時代真與虛幻不朽之境:永生的追尋農門小嬌娘,趕海趕山樣樣行柯南:從遊戲開始七零閨蜜嫁糙漢,絕嗣宋家一年抱仨重生八零,退婚嫁給隔壁糙漢大唐:我養新城小,新城養我老

《旅伴》,1835 年

the travelling panion, 1835


poor John was very sad; for his father was so ill, he had no hope of his recovery.


John sat alone with the sick man in the little room, and the lamp had nearly burnt out; for it was late in the night.

“你是個好兒子,約翰,” 生病的父親說,“上帝會在這個世界上幫助你前進。” 他說話的時候,用溫和而熱切的眼神看著他,深深地嘆了口氣,然後去世了;然而他看起來好像還在睡覺。

“You have been a good son, John,” said the sick father, “and God will help you on in the world.” he looked at him, as he spoke, with mild, earnest eyes, drew a deep sigh, and died; yet it appeared as if he still slept.


John wept bitterly. he had no one in the wide world now; neither father, mother, brother, nor sister. poor John! he knelt down by the bed, kissed his dead father’s hand, and wept many, many bitter tears. but at last his eyes closed, and he fell asleep with his head resting against the hard bedpost.


then he dreamed a strange dream; he thought he saw the sun shining upon him, and his father alive and well, and even heard him laughing as he used to do when he was very happy. A beautiful girl, with a golden crown on her head, and long, shining hair, gave him her hand;
