首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話最經典的一句話 > 第15章 夢神 Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God

第15章 夢神 Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God(第4/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 漫威,從入職神盾局開始綜恐:我的系統有問題魔法師的旅行物語月是相思引全家逼我頂罪,重生親手送他們入土極品世子:手握重兵,請貴妃醉酒為己生開局就做親子鑑定,老婆一家暴跳如雷輕寒且行舟愛在落雨飄雪時同頻誤入俗稱穿越作者馬小虎筆名文洋冰落的作品和扶弟魔老婆離婚後,我送她全家昇天失控!重生大佬只想親哭她將門孤女,女扮男裝闖朝堂開局即巔峰,她又坑又強愛搶劫王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設

asure to look at them.

“現在我們必須放棄講故事,來訓練這些字母了。” 奧勒 - 盧科伊說;

“Now we must give up our stories, and exercise these letters,” said ole - Luk - oie;

“一、二 —— 一、二 ——” 於是他訓練它們,直到它們優雅地站著,看起來和字帖上的一樣漂亮。

“one, two — one, two—” So he drilled them till they stood up gracefully, and looked as beautiful as a copy could look.

但是奧勒 - 盧科伊走後,雅爾瑪早晨看它們的時候,它們還是和以前一樣糟糕、一樣笨拙。

but after ole - Luk - oie was gone, and hjalmar looked at them in the morning, they were as wretched and as awkward as ever.



雅爾瑪一上床,奧勒 - 盧科伊就用他的小魔杖碰了碰房間裡所有的傢俱,傢俱們立刻開始嘰嘰喳喳地說起話來,而且每件物品都只談論自己。

As soon as hjalmar was in bed, ole - Luk - oie touched, with his little magic wand, all the furniture in the room, which immediately began to chatter, and each article only talked of itself.


over the chest of drawers hung a large picture in a gilt frame, representing a landscape, with fine old trees, flowers in the grass, and a broad stream, which flowed through the wood, past several castles, far out into the wild ocean.

奧勒 - 盧科伊用他的魔杖碰了碰這幅畫,立刻鳥兒就開始唱歌了,樹枝沙沙作響,雲朵在天空中移動,把它們的影子投射在下面的風景上。

ole - Luk - oie touched the picture with his magic wand, and immediately the birds menced singing, the branches of the trees rustled, and the clouds moved across the sky, casting their shadows on the landscape beneath them.

然後奧勒 - 盧科伊把小雅爾瑪舉到畫框前,把他的腳放在畫裡,就放在高高的草叢上,他就站在那兒,陽

