首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話最經典的一句話 > 第69章 木偶戲藝人 The Puppet-Show Man

第69章 木偶戲藝人 The Puppet-Show Man(第3/9 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 漫威,從入職神盾局開始綜恐:我的系統有問題魔法師的旅行物語月是相思引全家逼我頂罪,重生親手送他們入土極品世子:手握重兵,請貴妃醉酒為己生開局就做親子鑑定,老婆一家暴跳如雷輕寒且行舟愛在落雨飄雪時同頻誤入俗稱穿越作者馬小虎筆名文洋冰落的作品和扶弟魔老婆離婚後,我送她全家昇天失控!重生大佬只想親哭她將門孤女,女扮男裝闖朝堂開局即巔峰,她又坑又強愛搶劫王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設

ong I could not sleep; and the next evening when I gave another performance and the lecturer was present, I was in one of my best moods.


“I once heard of an actor, who, when he had to act the part of a lover, always thought of one particular lady in the audience; he only played for her, and forgot all the both of the house, and now the polytechnic lecturer was my she, my only auditor, for whom alone I played.


“when the performance was over, and the puppets removed behind the curtain, the polytechnic lecturer invited me into his room to take a glass of wine.


he talked of my edies, and I of his science, and I believe we both equally pleased.


but I had the best of it, for there was much in what he did that he could not always explain to me. For instance, why a piece of iron which is rubbed on a cylinder, should bee magnetic. how does this happen?

磁性火花就產生了 —— 但這是怎麼產生的呢?

the magnetic sparks e to it, — but how?


It is the same with people in the world; they are rubbed about on this spherical globe till the electric spark es upon them, and then we have a Napoleon, or a Luther, or some one of the kind.


