第36章 幸運的套鞋 The Goloshes of Fortune(第4/32 頁)
of his own, and walked out into the East Street.
through the magic power of the goloshes, he was at once carried back three hundred years, to the times of King hans, for which he had been longing when he put them on.
therefore he immediately set his foot into the mud and mire of the street, which in those days possessed no pavement.
“why, this is horrible; how dreadfully dirty it is!” said the counsellor; “and the whole pavement has vanished, and the lamps are all out.”
the moon had not yet risen high enough to penetrate the thick foggy air, and all the objects around him were confused together in the darkness.
At the nearest corner, a lamp hung before a picture of the madonna; but the light it gave was almost useless, for he only perceived it when he came quite close and his eyes fell on the painted figures of the mother and child.
“那很可能是一個藝術博物館,” 他想,“他們忘了把標誌取下來。”
“that is most likely a museum of art,” thought he, “and they have forgotten to take down the sign.”
two men, in the dress of olden times, passed by him.
“多麼奇怪的人啊!” 他想,“他們一定是從某個化裝舞會回來。”
“what odd figures!” thought he; “they must be returning from some masquerade