第64章 幸福的家庭 The Happy Family(第4/7 頁)
“there is nothing at all,” said Father Snail. “No place can be better than ours, and I have nothing to wish for!”
“是啊。” 蝸牛媽媽說,“我倒很想去莊園,被煮熟,然後放在銀盤子裡;我們所有的先輩都是這麼被對待的;裡面肯定有什麼特別的地方,你放心吧!”
“Yes,” said the dame. “I would willingly go to the manor-house, be boiled, and laid on a silver dish; all our forefathers have been treated so; there is something extraordinary in it, you may be sure!”
“莊園很可能已經破敗不堪了!” 蝸牛爸爸說,“或者牛蒡已經在它上面長得密密麻麻的,以至於人們都出不來了。不過,這事也不用著急;可你總是那麼急匆匆的,小傢伙也開始這樣了。他這三天不是一直在順著那根莖往上爬嗎?我抬頭看他的時候頭都疼!”
“the manor-house has most likely fallen to ruin!” said Father Snail. “or the burdocks have grown up over it, so that they cannot e out. there need not, however, be any haste about that; but you are always in such a tremendous hurry, and the little one is beginning to be the same. has he not been creeping up that stalk these three days? It gives me a headache when I look up to him!”
“你可別罵他。” 蝸牛媽媽說,“他爬得那麼小心;他會給我們帶來很多樂趣 —— 我們活著就為了他呀!可你沒想過這個問題嗎?—— 我們上哪兒給他找個媳婦呢?”
“You must not scold him,” said mother Snail; “he creeps so carefully; he will afford us much pleasure — and we have nothing but him to live for! but have you not thought of it? — where shall we get a wife for him?
do you not think that there are some of our species at a great distance in the interior of the burdock forest?”
“我敢說,黑蝸牛肯定是有的,” 老蝸牛說 ——“沒有房子的黑蝸牛 —— 但它們太普通了,還很自負。不過我們可以委託螞蟻幫我們找找看;它們跑來跑去的,好像有什麼要緊事要做,它們肯定知道能給我