第37章 幸運的套鞋 The Goloshes of Fortune 續(第4/22 頁)
s upon an idea or a sentiment, until he can embody it, clearly and plainly in words, which the others cannot do.
but the transition from a character of every-day life to one of a more gifted nature is a great transition; and so the clerk became aware of the change after a time.
“多麼宜人的香氣啊。” 他說,“這讓我想起了洛拉阿姨家的紫羅蘭。啊,那是我小時候的事了。天哪,我已經好久沒有想起那些日子了!她是一位善良的老處女。她住在那邊,證券交易所後面。即使在冬天最寒冷的時候,她也總是在水裡插一枝花或者幾朵花。我甚至在把溫熱的便士硬幣貼在結冰的窗玻璃上弄出窺視孔的時候,都能聞到紫羅蘭的香味,透過窺視孔看到的景色也很美。河面上停著的船被冰封住了,船員們都棄船而去;一隻呱呱叫的烏鴉是船上唯一的活物。但是當春天的微風拂來,一切都復甦了。在歡呼聲中,船隻被塗上柏油,裝上索具,然後駛向遙遠的國度。
“what a delightful perfume,” said he; “it reminds me of the violets at Aunt Lora’s. Ah, that was when I was a little boy. dear me, how long it seems since I thought of those days! She was a good old maiden lady! she lived yonder, behind the Exchange. She always had a sprig or a few blossoms in water, let the winter be ever so severe. I could smell the violets, even while I was placing warm penny pieces against the frozen panes to make peep-holes, and a pretty view it was on which I peeped. out in the river lay the ships, icebound, and forsaken by their crews; a screaming crow represented the only living creature on board. but when the breezes of spring came, everything started into life. Amidst shouting and cheers the ships were tarred and rigged, and then they sailed to foreign lands.
“我留在這裡,而且永遠都會留在這裡,坐在警察局的崗位上,讓別人拿著護照去遙遠的地方。是的,這就是我的命運。” 他深深地嘆了口氣。
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