第37章 幸運的套鞋 The Goloshes of Fortune 續(第3/22 頁)
it,” said the clerk; “it must be so delightful to sit and write poetry. the whole world makes itself agreeable to you, and then you are your own master. You should try how you would like to listen to all the trivial things in a court of justice.”
the poet shook his head, so also did the clerk; each retained his own opinion, and so they parted.
“這些詩人真是奇怪的人。” 職員想。“我倒想試試有詩歌品味是什麼感覺,自己也成為一名詩人。我肯定不會像他們那樣寫些悲傷的詩句。對詩人來說,這是一個美妙的春日,空氣如此清新,雲彩如此美麗,綠草散發著如此甜美的氣息。多年來我從未有過此刻這樣的感覺。”
“they are strange people, these poets,” thought the clerk. “I should like to try what it is to have a poetic taste, and to bee a poet myself. I am sure I should not write such mournful verses as they do. this is a splendid spring day for a poet, the air is so remarkably clear, the clouds are so beautiful, and the green grass has such a sweet smell. For many years I have not felt as I do at this moment.”
從這些話中我們可以看出,他已經變成了一名詩人。在大多數詩人看來,他說的話會被認為平淡無奇,或者用德語說就是 “乏味”。認為詩人與其他人不同是一種愚蠢的想法。有很多人比那些自稱為詩人的人更具有自然詩人的氣質。不同之處在於,詩人的智力記憶更好;他抓住一個想法或一種情感,直到能夠用清晰明瞭的語言表達出來,而其他人做不到這一點。
we perceive, by these remarks, that he had already bee a poet. by most poets what he had said would be considered mon-place, or as the Germans call it, “insipid.” It is a foolish fancy to look upon poets as different to other men. there are many who are more the poets of nature than those who are professed poets. the difference is this, the poet’s intellectual memory is better; he seize