首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話誰翻譯 > 第49章 養豬人 The Swineherd

第49章 養豬人 The Swineherd(第2/9 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設快穿擺爛哪家強,宿主第一稱大王都市,我在劇中求穩妥穿越時空來看你農家夫妻七零對照組,女主讓我別擺爛了穆二爺的掌心寵:她上頭有神!廢材崛起至尊冰皇我的道侶每天在飆戲剛穿越MC,我的系統就跑路了!從末世到六零:大佬她只想搞事快穿:每個世界都被眾人爆寵白客小姐和BUG先生的日常炮灰手冊:向作者獻上HE劇本!姜有穿成宮三姐姐後我被宮二盯上了柯南之我真不是紅方

r caskets, and sent to her.

皇帝讓人把它們帶進一個大廳,公主正在那裡和宮廷裡的貴婦們玩 “串門” 的遊戲;當她看到裝著禮物的盒子時,高興得拍起手來。

the Emperor had them brought into a large hall, where the princess was playing at “Visiting,” with the ladies of the court; and when she saw the casters with the presents, she clapped her hands for joy.

“啊,要是隻是一隻小貓咪就好了!” 她說;但那棵帶著美麗玫瑰的玫瑰樹映入了眼簾。

“Ah, if it were but a little pussy-cat!” said she; but the rose tree, with its beautiful rose came to view.

“哦,做得多漂亮啊!” 所有的宮廷貴婦們都說。

“oh, how prettily it is made!” said all the court ladies.

“它可不只是漂亮,” 皇帝說,“它太迷人了!”

“It is more than pretty,” said the Emperor, “it is charming!”


but the princess touched it, and was almost ready to cry.

“呸,爸爸!” 她說。

“Fie, papa!” said she.


“It is not made at all, it is natural!”

“在我們發脾氣之前,先看看另一個盒子裡裝的是什麼吧。” 皇帝說。

“Let us see what is in the other casket, before we get into a bad humor,” said the Emperor.


So the nightingale came forth and sang so delightfully that at first no one could say anything ill-humored of her.

“太棒了!太迷人了!” 貴婦人們叫道;因為她們都習慣說法語,而且一個比一個說得差。

“Superbe! charmant!” exclaimed the ladies; for they all used to chatter French, each one worse than her neighbor.

“這隻鳥讓我想起了我們已故皇后的那臺八音盒。” 一位老騎士說。

“how much the bird reminds me of the musical box that belonged to our blessed Empress,” said an old knight.

