第91章 光榮的荊棘路 The Thorny Road of Honor(第4/9 頁)
the African, with blunt features, thick lips, and woolly hair, sits on the marble steps of the palace in the capital of portugal, and begs.
他是卡蒙斯溫順的奴隸,要不是他,要不是路人扔給他的銅幣,他的主人 ——《盧濟塔尼亞人之歌》的詩人 —— 就要餓死了。現在,一座昂貴的紀念碑標誌著卡蒙斯的墳墓。
he is the submissive slave of camoens, and but for him, and for the copper coins thrown to him by the passers - by, his master, the poet of the “Lusiad,” would die of hunger. Now, a costly monument marks the grave of camoens.
there is a new picture.
behind the iron grating a man appears, pale as death, with long unkempt beard.
“我有一個發現,” 他說,“是幾個世紀以來最偉大的發現;而他們卻把我關在這裡二十多年了!”
“I have made a discovery,” he says, “the greatest that has been made for centuries; and they have kept me locked up here for more than twenty years!”
who is the man?
“一個瘋子,” 瘋人院的看守回答道。
“A madman,” replies the keeper of the madhouse.
“what whimsical ideas these lunatics have! he imagines that one can propel things by means of steam.”
It is Solomon de cares, the discoverer of the power of steam, whose theory, expressed in dark words, is not understood by Richelieu; and he dies in the madhouse.
here stands columbus, whom the street boys used once