首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話翻譯作者 > 第39章 鸛鳥 The Storks

第39章 鸛鳥 The Storks(第5/10 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 漫威,從入職神盾局開始綜恐:我的系統有問題魔法師的旅行物語月是相思引全家逼我頂罪,重生親手送他們入土極品世子:手握重兵,請貴妃醉酒為己生開局就做親子鑑定,老婆一家暴跳如雷輕寒且行舟愛在落雨飄雪時同頻誤入俗稱穿越作者馬小虎筆名文洋冰落的作品和扶弟魔老婆離婚後,我送她全家昇天失控!重生大佬只想親哭她將門孤女,女扮男裝闖朝堂開局即巔峰,她又坑又強愛搶劫王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設


the father brought them, every day, beautiful frogs, little snakes, and all kinds of stork-dainties that he could find. And then, how funny it was to see the tricks he would perform to amuse them. he would lay his head quite round over his tail, and clatter with his beak, as if it had been a rattle; and then he would tell them stories all about the marshes and fens.

“來吧,” 有一天媽媽說,“現在你們必須學會飛了。” 於是四隻小鸛鳥都不得不來到屋頂上。哦,一開始他們搖搖晃晃的,不得不揮動翅膀保持平衡,不然就會摔到下面的地上。

“e,” said the mother one day, “Now you must learn to fly.” And all the four young ones were obliged to e out on the top of the roof. oh, how they tottered at first, and were obliged to balance themselves with their wings, or they would have fallen to the ground below.

“看著我,” 媽媽說,“你們必須這樣昂起頭,這樣放好你們的腳。一,二,一,二 —— 就是這樣。現在你們在這個世界上就能照顧好自己了。”

“Look at me,” said the mother, “you must hold your heads in this way, and place your feet so. once, twice, once, twice — that is it. Now you will be able to take care of yourselves in the world.”


then she flew a little distance from them, and the young ones made a spring to follow her; but down they fell plump, for their bodies were still too heavy.

“我不想飛。” 一隻小鸛鳥說,爬回了巢裡。“我不在乎去溫暖的國家。”

“I don’t want to fly,” said one of the young storks, creeping back into the nest. “I don’t care about going to warm countries.”


