首頁 > 其他小說 > 安徒生童話中文譯者 > 第7章 勇敢的小錫兵 The Brave Tin Soldier

第7章 勇敢的小錫兵 The Brave Tin Soldier(第2/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 直播算命:玄學大佬過於佛系驚呆了公子!這個丫鬟是戲精陰陽典當大唐:實習生穿越竟成臨川公主!四合院:開局先把媳婦娶了癲妹搶親?換嫁短命太子後我登後位催著我和離,公主上門你哭啥?驚蘼重生人在驚奇先生穿越後,我繼承了原主的桃花債長公主霸王花我只略施手段,黑幫霸總被撩紅溫重生正陽門下和三個女人的故事公主醒來在七零手一癢就想扇人花欲染穿越:系統拿我衝業績快穿之我靠氣運之子成神京夜風雪洪災逃荒,殺神出沒,請避讓白月光師姐她超強的


Like the ugly duckling, he endures all manner of assaults from humans and from the forces of nature, but he also has a romantic side, pining for a ballerina who fails to acknowledge his devotion.


In the end, theirs is a failed romance, for they prove unable to transcend their inanimate condition:


“he looked at her, and she looked at him, but no words passed between them.”


they are joined, finally, in death.

奇怪的是,小錫兵被進入他頭腦的敘述聲音賦予了生命,而且 —— 在整個故事中他都是僵硬、刻板、毫無反應的 —— 他之所以堅定,可能只是因為他除了立正站著別無選擇。

the tin soldier is, oddly, animated by the narrative voice that gets inside his head, and—stiff, rigid, and unresponsive throughout the story—he may be steadfast only because he has no other choice but to stand at attention.


Still the substance into which the soldier is transformed in the end points to the possibility that he may embody something more than just pure matter.


“the Steadfast tin Soldier” has inspired many dramatic and musical enactments, among them A Fairy tale in pictures, choreographed by Andersen’s contemporary bournonville.

喬治?比才(Georges bizet)的《兒童遊戲》(Jeux d’Enfants)中包含《堅定的錫兵》,喬治?巴蘭欽(George balanchine)在 1975 年採用了這部音樂作品。

Georges bizet’s Jeux d’Enfants contains within it “the Steadfast tin So

