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第27章 鍾 The Bell(第1/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 制霸文娛!擺爛真千金她十項全能好狗晚折春琴酒,你能別耽誤我做好人嗎齊穿七零,閨蜜賺錢,我躺贏!年代軍婚:女特種兵不好惹橫濱養崽事件簿末世重生:我有金大腿我怕什麼屍校鬼語我真的只有一把殘劍火影:扒一扒千手家的宇智波少女諸天斬魔從第一誡開始斬神:當惡女成為騰蛇代理人上窮碧落下黃泉只與你相守鳳還巢,將女歸火影:穿越成銀狼開局被帶土擄走穿越五九年:開局就代嫁給妹夫守護甜心星空之願來自舊時光四合院:老婆景甜,秦淮如酸了

《鍾》,1845 年

“the bell, 1845”



the motif of the bell is a favorite one among German and danish Romantic poets, evoking reverence through its religious associations and awe through its acoustical wonders.

德國詩人弗里德里希?席勒著名的《鍾之歌》(1799 年)為安徒生所熟知,他寫了一個關於其創作的故事叫《老教堂的鐘》(1862 年),在這個故事中,他明顯與席勒產生共鳴,席勒在貧困中長大,但卻獲得了藝術上的卓越成就。

the renowned “Song of the bell” (1799) by the German poet Friedrich Schiller was familiar to Andersen, and he wrote a story about its position called “the old church bell” (1862), in which he clearly identifies with Schiller, who grew up in poverty but rose to artistic distinction.


Schiller’s poem takes a political, ideological turn rather than moving in an aesthetic, religious direction.

在寫《鍾》的十二年後,安徒生髮表了《鍾淵》(1857 年),這個故事捕捉了關於歐登塞的一個河鬼和從河裡響起的一個神秘鐘聲的傳說的主要特徵。

twelve years after writing “the bell, “ Andersen published “the bell deep” (1857), a story capturing the main features of a legend about a river ghost in odense and about a mysterious bell that rings from the river.


“the bell” is a deeper, broader staging of Andersen’s poetics, enacting an allegory that unites poetry with nature and broadcasting a democratic ideal in which a prince joins hands with a pauper.

