第93頁(第3/7 頁)
ot supernatural would have been able to shut , whaouldst thou have say or thk, but that y en插ntnt is of art that transcends all i have ever read of all the histories thatdeal with knights-errant that have been en插nted? thou ayestset thy d at rest as to the idea that they are what thou sayest,for they are as uch as i a a turk but touchg thy desire to ask thg, say on, and i will answer thee, though thou shouldst askestions fro this till to-orrow orng&ot;
&ot;ay our lady be good to !&ot; said sancho, liftg up his voice;&ot;and is it possible that your worship is thick of skull and short of bras that you cannot see that what i say is the sipletruth, and that alice has ore to do with your iprnt andisfortune than en插ntnt? but as it is , i will prove pnlyto you that you are not en插nted now tell , ay god deliver youfro this affliction, and ay you fd yourself when you leastexpect it the ars of y lady dulcea-&ot;
&ot;leave off njurg ,&ot; said don ixote, &ot;and ask what thouwouldst know; i have already told thee i will answer with all possibleprecision&ot;
&ot;that is what i want,&ot; said sancho; &ot;and what i would know, and haveyou tell , without addg or leavg out anythg, but tellg thewhole truth as one expects it to be told, and as it is told, by allwho profess ars, as your worship professes the, under the title ofknights-errant-&ot;
&ot;i tell thee i will not lie any particular,&ot; said don ixote;&ot;fish thy estion; for truth thou wearies