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第1章 皇帝的新裝 The Emperor’s New Suit(第2/12 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 逃荒之路遇王爺穿越變成活藏寶圖,被全江湖爭搶穿時空的女將軍總裁心頭寵之這個保鏢我要了女朋友太能裝了怎麼辦修仙女海王,男主們由我來拯救!快穿:惡毒反派手握萬人迷劇本名柯:醫學教授日行一善碧海仙蹤親一口,活一天,他們求我別發癲九天罪神黑月光她滿口謊言戰錘:不朽耀金重生九六,斷她財路,她搞命啊雙穿之年代日常凡人修仙傳之神秘玉佩釣系美人一笑,在場都被撩成翹嘴靈異管理局的文員小姐斬神:我有一座塵歌壺!恐怖復甦:人間如獄

too easily to deception.

孩子的聲音使人們的注意力從故事中被描述為 “美麗的”、“可愛的”、“迷人的”、“無價的”、“精緻的”、“非凡的”、“驚人的”、“極好的”、“壯麗的”、“卓越的” 和 “精美的” 東西上轉移開了。

the voice of the child has diverted significant attention from something in the tale that is described as “beautiful,” “lovely,” “enchanting,” “priceless,” “exquisite,” “extraordinary,” “amazing,” “magnifique,” “splendid,” “superb,” and “delicate.”

雖然 “可愛的” 是安徒生最喜歡的詞之一,並且被他反覆使用,但在一個不到兩千字的故事中發現這個詞及其變體被如此頻繁地使用,還是有點令人驚訝。

Although “lovely” was one of Andersen’s favorite words and was used by him repeatedly, it still es as something of a surprise to find that term and its variants used so often in a story with less than two thousand words.


And it is even more astonishing that those adjectives all describe something invisible, a cloth and clothing that do not exist.


the Emperor’s train, like his clothing, are “not there at all,” as the last words of the tale tell us.


the first story in this collection speaks volumes about Andersen’s art.

安徒生僅僅用文字就誘使美好的事物產生,他創造出會唱歌的夜鶯、自己跳舞的鞋子、充滿生命力的大理石雕像、掛滿金色果實而閃閃發光的水下花園 —— 甚至還有一塊 “根本不存在” 的布。

Using nothing but words to lure objects of beauty into being, Andersen creates nightingales that sing, shoes that dance on their own, marble statues that pulse with life, underwater gardens that glitter with golden fruit—and even a cloth that is “not there

