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第29章 小意達的花兒 Little Ida’s Flowers(第1/15 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 斬神:我世界樹,滄南之戰掀桌子原神:我寫的日記被看了,我知道農村小戶的家庭日常鬼滅之刃:晴末篇我在星際的逍遙人生寶可夢:我將遺棄精靈養成傳說天涯神貼系列星外來客:韓氏女與異能男什麼!主角和反派們都是我養的崽萬物陰陽大道論向哨:舔舔舔,男媽媽?舔一口嫡女謀權:重生後虐翻京城來自星星的你一起修真水溝心動的起始線陰暗宅女穿進只有男人的世界之後七皇叔命不久矣,嫁他方便我守寡女扮男裝,成了書中最大反派殺太子,奪皇位,瘋批兄妹重生啦絕豔小師叔之凡世篇

《小意達的花兒》,1835 年

Little Ida’s Flowers, 1835

“我的可憐的花兒都死了。” 小意達說。

“my poor flowers are quite dead,” said little Ida.

“它們昨天晚上還那麼美麗,現在它們所有的葉子都枯萎了。這是怎麼回事呢?” 坐在沙發上的學生問她。

“they were so beautiful last evening, and now all their leaves hang withered. how can that be?” asked she from the student who sat on the sofa.


She was very fond of him, for he knew the most beautiful tales, and could cut out such wonderful pictures; he could cut out hearts with little dancing ladies in them; flowers he could cut out, and castles with doors that would open. he was a very charming student.

“為什麼花兒今天看起來這麼可憐呢?” 小意達又問,並給學生看了一整束枯萎的花。

“why do the flowers look so miserably to-day?” again asked she, and showed him a whole bouquet of withered flowers.

“你不知道它們怎麼了嗎?” 學生說,“花兒們昨晚去參加舞會了,所以它們才這麼無精打采的。”

“dost thou not know what ails them?” said the student; “the flowers have been to a ball last night, and therefore they droop so.”

“但是花兒不會跳舞呀。” 小意達說。

“but flowers cannot dance,” said little Ida.

“是的,當天黑了,我們都睡著了的時候,它們就歡快地跳起舞來;幾乎每個晚上它們都有舞會!” 學生說。

“Yes, when it is dark, and we are all asleep, then they dance about merrily; nearly every night they have a ball!” said the student.

“沒有小朋友去參加那個舞會嗎?” 意達問。

“can no child go to the ball?” inquired Ida.

“有呀,” 學生說,“小小的雛菊和鈴蘭都會去參加那個舞會。”

“Yes,” said the student, “little t
