第59章 織補針 The Darning-Needle(第3/7 頁)
d that is always a consolation;” and the darning-needle maintained its proud demeanor, and lost none of its good-humor.
各種各樣的東西從它上面漂過 —— 刨花、稻草和舊報紙的碎片。
And all sorts of things swam over it — shavings, straws, and scraps of old newspapers.
“看看它們漂過去的樣子。” 針說,“它們不知道自己下面藏著什麼呢!我牢牢地紮在這兒:我就坐在這兒。看!有一片刨花漂過去了:它心裡除了自己什麼都不想 —— 就想著一片刨花!有一根稻草在漂;它怎麼轉來轉去,怎麼打轉轉呀!除了自己,也想想別的事兒吧,不然說不定會撞到石頭上呢!有一小片報紙在漂。上面寫的東西早就被人忘了,可它還鋪展開來,好像自己有多重要似的!我就耐心地、靜靜地坐在這兒:我知道我是誰,而且我終究還是會留存下來的!”
“only look how they sail by,” said the needle. “they do not know what is hidden below them! I stick fast here: here I sit. Look! there goes a shaving: it thinks of nothing in the world but of itself — but of a shaving! there drifts a straw; and how it tacks about, how it turns round! think of something else besides yourself, or else perhaps you’ll run against a stone! there swims a bit of a newspaper. what’s written there is long ago forgotten, and yet out it spreads itself, as if it were mighty important! I sit here patient and still: I know who I am, and that I shall remain after all!”
one day there lay something close beside the needle.
It glittered so splendidly, that the needle thought it must be a diamond: but it was only a bit of a broken bottle, and because it glittered the darning-needle addressed it, and introduced itself to the other as a breast-pin.