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第57章 霍爾格?丹斯克 Holger Danske(第1/9 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 御風起,等風歸把過去留在回憶裡我們村裡的愛情故事暗夜羈絆,公主殿下的小夜魔倒追三年,冷靜期結束他又後悔了陸總,太太又拿離婚協議找你簽字了滿級大佬重生:太子的農門妻颯爆了大逃荒!全家齊穿越,手握空間贏麻了!萌寶的甜蜜助攻七零換親,高冷硬漢夜夜追妻雜貨店通末世,我囤無限物資養大佬月劫傾華:龍女的擺爛人生被打破盜墓:吳家的團寵小惡霸略施癲計,懂愛後渣爹刀拿不穩了穿越之陶朱之富賜婚和親後,嫡女她步步為營八零嫁絕嗣首長多胎後,全員破防天衍輪迴錄團寵千金持劇本,帶炮灰全家逆襲人間疾苦,唯有自救

《霍爾格?丹斯克》,1845 年

holger danske, 1845


In denmark there stands an old castle named Kronenburg, close by the Sound of Elsinore, where large ships, both English, Russian, and prussian, pass by hundreds every day.


And they salute the old castle with cannons, “boom, boom,” which is as if they said, “Good-day.”

而古堡的大炮則回應 “轟” 的一聲,意思是 “多謝”。

And the cannons of the old castle answer “boom,” which means “many thanks.”


In winter no ships sail by, for the whole Sound is covered with ice as far as the Swedish coast, and has quite the appearance of a high-road.

丹麥國旗和瑞典國旗飄揚著,丹麥人和瑞典人相互問候 “日安” 和 “多謝”,不是用大炮,而是友好地握手;他們還相互交換白麵包和餅乾,因為外國的東西吃起來味道最好。

the danish and the Swedish flags wave, and danes and Swedes say, “Good-day,” and “thank you” to each other, not with cannons, but with a friendly shake of the hand; and they exchange white bread and biscuits with each other, because foreign articles taste the best.


but the most beautiful sight of all is the old castle of Kronenburg, where holger danske sits in the deep, dark cellar, into which no one goes.


he is clad in iron and steel, and rests his head on his strong arm; his long beard
