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第30章 頑皮的孩子 The Saucy Boy(第1/4 頁)

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《頑皮的孩子》,1835 年

the Saucy boy, 1835


once upon a time there was an old poet, one of those right good old poets.


one evening, as he was sitting at home, there was a terrible storm going on outside; the rain was pouring down, but the old poet sat fortably in his chimney-corner, where the fire was burning and the apples were roasting.

“在這種天氣裡外出的可憐人身上不會有一根乾的線頭了。” 他說。

“there will not be a dry thread left on the poor people who are out in this weather,” he said.

“哦,開門!我又冷又溼透了。” 外面一個小孩喊道。他一邊哭一邊敲門,而雨傾盆而下,風把所有的窗戶都吹得嘎嘎作響。

“oh, open the door! I am so cold and wet through,” called a little child outside. It was crying and knocking at the door, whilst the rain was pouring down and the wind was rattling all the windows.

“可憐的小傢伙!” 詩人說,然後站起來開啟了門。在他面前站著一個小男孩;他赤身裸體,水從他長長的金色捲髮上流下。他冷得直髮抖;如果他沒有被讓進來,他肯定會在暴風雨中死去。

“poor creature!” said the poet, and got up and opened the door. before him stood a little boy; he was naked, and the water flowed from his long fair locks. he was shivering with cold; if he had not been let in, he would certainly have perished in the storm.

“可憐的小東西!” 詩人說,然後拉著他的手。“到我這兒來;我很快就會讓你暖和起來。你會有一些酒和一個蘋果,因為你是這麼漂亮的一個男孩。”

“poor little thing!” said the poet, and took him by the hand. “e to me; I will soon warm you. You shall have some wine and an apple, for you are such a pretty boy.”

