首頁 > 其他小說 > 《安徒生童話》原文 > 第12章 打火匣 The Tinder-Box

第12章 打火匣 The Tinder-Box(第1/17 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 戀戀時光簿撿到三歲小喪屍,流放路上有肉吃宮闕絃音第二部丫鬟小桃亂世逃荒記龍珠超之仙人模式悲花鳴煙雨中林悅糟了!李家穿來兩個大力士睜眼新婚夜!換個丈夫,幸福一生綜影視:從在甄嬛傳當皇子開始柯雪修仙傳怪誕粘液炮灰真千金?抱歉,她玄學全能!七零大院:離婚後嫁絕嗣京少多胎穿書七零,閨蜜每天給我送物資!心向何方情所歸星途閃耀之天后進化論死遁五年,被初戀陛下抓回來斬神:表哥劍聖周平,我成劍仙了抽龍筋?抽條褲帶意思一下得了!

《打火匣》,1835 年

the tinder-box, 1835



Andersen’s early fairy tales draw on oral storytelling traditions that revel in cruelty, violence, earthiness, and vulgarity and move in a burlesque mode very different from the pious tone of tales like “the Little match Girl.”


In part because of its preposterous excesses (the soldier in “the tinderbox” is guilty of everything from ingratitude and homicide to theft and regicide) but also its exquisitely charming moments (the three dogs filled with wonder at the wedding), the story has retained a certain appeal that allows it to stay alive despite its many violent turns.


“the tinderbox” was the opening tale of Andersen’s Eventyr, the first installment of his fairy tales.

它基於一個名為《蠟燭精靈》的丹麥民間故事,並且多次暗指其他童話故事 ——《長髮公主》(塔中的公主)、《漢賽爾與格萊特》(穀粒的蹤跡)和《阿里巴巴和四十大盜》(門的標記)。

It is based on a danish folktale known as “the Spirit of the candle” and has multiple allusions to other fairy tales—“Rapunzel” (the princess in the tower), “hansel and Gretel” (the trail of grain), and “Ali baba and the Forty thieves” (the marking of doors).


In his early stories for children, Andersen borrowed bits and pieces of tales fr
