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第68章 豬 The Pigs(第1/6 頁)

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《豬》,1851 年

the pigs, 1851


charles dickens once told us about a pig, and since that time we are in a good humour if we only hear one grunt.


St. Antony took the pig under his protection; and when we think of the prodigal son we always associate with him the idea of feeding swine; and it was in front of a pig-sty that a certain carriage stopped in Sweden, about which I am going to talk.


the farmer had his pig-sty built out towards the high road, close by his house, and it was a wonderful pig-sty.


It was an old state carriage.


the seats had been taken out and the wheels taken off, and so the body of the old coach lay on the ground, and four pigs were shut up inside it.


I wonder if these were the first that had ever been there? that point could not certainly be determined; but that it had been a real state coach everything bore witness, even to the damask rag that hung down from the roof; everything spoke of better days.

“哼!哼!” 裡面的住客(豬)叫著,馬車嘎吱作響、呻吟著;因為它已經走到了可悲的盡頭。

“humph! humph!” said the occupants, and the coach creaked and groaned; for it had been to a mournful end.
