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第4章 賣火柴的小女孩 The Little Match-Seller(第3/9 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 漫威,從入職神盾局開始綜恐:我的系統有問題魔法師的旅行物語月是相思引全家逼我頂罪,重生親手送他們入土極品世子:手握重兵,請貴妃醉酒為己生開局就做親子鑑定,老婆一家暴跳如雷輕寒且行舟愛在落雨飄雪時同頻誤入俗稱穿越作者馬小虎筆名文洋冰落的作品和扶弟魔老婆離婚後,我送她全家昇天失控!重生大佬只想親哭她將門孤女,女扮男裝闖朝堂開局即巔峰,她又坑又強愛搶劫王老五修仙記替嫁後,手搓炸藥包為夫君打天下端木將軍征戰:我不吃牛肉綜我有千般人設

e, the story remains one of the most memorable stories of childhood and haunts our cultural imagination.


many will agree that the one requirement for a good children’s book is the triumph of the protagonist.

在過去的一個世紀裡,《賣火柴的小女孩》中的死亡場景被多次改編和重寫,最著名的是 1944 年的一個美國版本,它在護封上宣稱:

the death scene in “the Little match Girl” has been adapted and rewritten many times over the last century, most notably in an American edition of 1944 that proclaimed on its dust jacket:


“children will read with delight this new version of the famous hans christian Andersen tale.


For in it, the little match girl on that long ago christmas Eve does not perish from the bitter cold, but finds warmth and cheer and a lovely home where she lives happily ever after.”


Andersen wrote this story during a decade of social unrest and political upheaval, and would no doubt have been distressed by the socially redemptive turn in a story that was intended as a powerful critique of economic inequities.


A recent self - help book reports the experience of a woman whose favorite childhood story was “the Little match Girl”:



