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第15章 夢神 Ole-Luk-Oie, the Dream-God(第1/22 頁)

最新其他小說小說: 制霸文娛!擺爛真千金她十項全能好狗晚折春琴酒,你能別耽誤我做好人嗎齊穿七零,閨蜜賺錢,我躺贏!年代軍婚:女特種兵不好惹橫濱養崽事件簿末世重生:我有金大腿我怕什麼屍校鬼語我真的只有一把殘劍火影:扒一扒千手家的宇智波少女諸天斬魔從第一誡開始斬神:當惡女成為騰蛇代理人上窮碧落下黃泉只與你相守鳳還巢,將女歸火影:穿越成銀狼開局被帶土擄走穿越五九年:開局就代嫁給妹夫守護甜心星空之願來自舊時光四合院:老婆景甜,秦淮如酸了

《奧勒?盧科伊,夢神,1842 年》

ole - Luk - oie, the dream - God, 1842


奧勒?閉眼神(ole-Luk-oie)(ole Lock - Eye)與瓊?布隆德(Jon blund)這個形象有關,瓊?布隆德是一個小精靈,他會往孩子們的眼睛裡撒沙子好讓他們入睡。

ole-Luk-oie is related to the figure of Jon blund, an elf who sprinkles sand in children’s eyes so that they will go to sleep.


Andersen not only substitutes sweet milk for the sand but also turns ole-Luk-oie into a storyteller, one who needs lights out and eyes shut to work his magic.


ole-Luk-oie is both an incarnation of dreams (with a brother named death) and an unrivaled storyteller, who understands the importance of stories as a bridge between the real world and the world of imagination.

奧勒?閉眼神(ole-Luk-oie)與英語國家的睡魔(Sandman)和威利?溫基(willie winkie)以及法國的多爾梅特(dormette)有關。

ole-Luk-oie is related to the Sandman and willie winkie in Anglophone countries, and dormette in France.

小威利?溫基出自 1841 年威廉?米勒(william miller)用方言記錄下來的一首蘇格蘭童謠:

wee willie winkie es from a Scottish nursery rhyme of 1841 written down by william miller in dialect:

“小威利?溫基在鎮子裡跑來跑去,\/ 穿著睡衣上樓下樓,\/ 輕敲窗戶,對著鎖孔呼喊,\/‘孩子們都上床了嗎,已經十點啦?’” 小威利?溫基及其同類幾個世紀以來一直被用來嚇唬、強迫和引誘孩子們上床睡覺。

“wee willie winkie rins through the toun, \/ Up stairs and doon stairs in his nicht - goun, \/ tirlin’ at the window, cryin’ at the lock, \/ ‘Are the weans in their
