首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped適合中學生看嗎 > 第25部分

第25部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 我!開局三個天賦技能太多了全民領主:地精弱?那就建奇觀!SS級天賦,代價是變成女生?領主:我願建立一方樂土你為什麼不打籃球?雙職業,無限重置,閣下如何應對第四天災:玩家對抗玩的就是真實足球教練,我選擇國足分身都是樂子人,他信了他信了!全民巨魚求生:我能聽到巨魚心聲綻放於冬網遊三國:從南海開始,虎視天下網遊:金色天賦用來打金怎麼樣?求生試煉:從貓女開始進化1984,我在公牛隊當老闆斬神:纓子請自重,你別亂來呀!傳說時代我太想重生了武道登神

 “You all look so


Not one word about our baskets。 Not one little sneak peek inside。 No; for all she cared; those

puppies were empty。

Meat market?

You better believe it!

“Don't be so nervous; boys;” Mrs。 McClure was saying。 “You're going to have a wonderful

day!” She pulls out a list of names and starts ordering

us into line。 We get numbers; our baskets get numbers; we fill out three…by…five cards to her

insane specifications; and by the time she's got us all

organized and is sure we know what to do and what not to do; we've missed all of first and

most of second period。 “Okay; gentlemen;” she says。

“Leave your baskets where they are and go to… where are we now? Still in second?” She

looks at the clock。 “Right。 Second。”

“What about passes?” some sensible basket boy asked。

“Your teachers have a list。 But if they say anything; tell them I say your neckties are your

passes。 I'll meet you back here when everyone's

dismissed for the auction。 Got it? Don't dawdle!”

We grumbled; Yeah; yeah; and headed to class。 And I can tell you this; not one of the twenty

of us listened to a word any of our teachers said that

morning。 How can you listen with a noose around your neck; pinched toes; and a room full of

idiots thinking it's open season on basket boys?

Whoever started this stupid tradition ought to be crammed into a basket a

