首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped心動 > 第18部分

第18部分(第2/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: JOJO:命運,真的如此牢固嗎融合世界後李蓮花的各種可能榮總輕點騙,葉少要心疼門面居然跟全能隊長是真情侶網遊之我專精保命技能火影忍者:春野櫻的叛逆之路主網王:星海見月絕殺!NBA冠軍教練的奇蹟時刻爭論王國:兒童的奇思妙想世界如懿傳衛嬿婉重生之浴血而歸重生:股市大鱷李明怪誕世界求生:我有一輛蒸汽房車求生:開局萬人屠但我是個好人似影是婙她華國人,異世求生當然秒殺全場超能力學院沒我不行絕美御獸師每天都在發癲開狂暴日常生活工作學習知識積累大將軍是九千歲心尖寵皇帝哭暈了【凹凸】天上掉個小金毛

iday night at six o'clock;

that the menu included poached salmon; crab

risotto; and fresh steamed vegetables; and that none of us had better weasel out of being

there。 My dad muttered that if we were really going to do

this; it would be a whole lot better to barbecue because at least that way he'd have

something to do; but my mom positively smoked him with her

eyes and he dropped it。

So。 They were ing。 And it made seeing Juli at school even more unfortable than

usual。 Not because she gushed about it or even waved

and winked or something。 No; she was back to avoiding me。 She'd say hi if we happened to

run into each other; but instead of being; like; right over

my shoulder anytime I looked; she was nowhere。 She must have ducked out back doors and

taken roundabout ways through campus。 She was; I

don't know; scarce。

I found myself looking at her in class。 The teacher'd be talking and all eyes would be up

front … except mine。 They kept wandering over to Juli。 It

was weird。 One minute I'd be listening to the teacher; and the next I'd be pletely tuned

out; looking at Juli。

It wasn't until Wednesday in math that I figured it out。 With the way her hair fell back over her

shoulders and her head was tilted; she looked like

the picture in the paper。 Not just like it — the angle was different; and the wind wasn't

blowing through her hair — but 

