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第84部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 森林深處的星光:居某的睡前故事次元:到處亂跑的街溜子律者網遊:禍亂江湖身為提督的我居然被艦娘綁架了?感謝現役之萬丈榮光王者:月光啊,閃爆他們!熱血傳奇之全職業精通我在航海世界當花瓶現代童話斬神:埋葬諸神,從破迷霧開始!還散樓之幻境奇緣網遊之劍御七星快穿:論宿主如何拐走主角李鉄重生,帶領曼聯大殺四方網遊:無敵,從合成萬物開始開局覺醒毒仙體,整個新手村炸了夢中的那片海之春曉彈丸論破2之交織協奏曲神級遊走:系統逼我打王者做遊戲的女王

rmerly municated a certain austere charm to his language and manner。 To me; he was in reality bee no longer flesh; but marble; his eye was a cold; bright; blue gem; his tongue a speaking instrument— nothing more。

All this was torture to me—refined; lingering torture。 It kept up a slow fire of indignation and a trembling trouble of grief; which harassed and crushed me altogether。 I felt how—if I were his wife; this good man; pure as the deep sunless source; could soon kill me; without drawing from my veins a single drop of blood; or receiving on his own crystal conscience the faintest stain of crime。 Especially I felt this when I made any attempt to propitiate him。 No ruth met my ruth。 He experienced no suffering from estrangement—no yearning after reconciliation; and though; more than once; my fast falling tears blistered the page over which we both bent; they produced no more effect on him than if his heart had been really a matter of stone or metal。 To his sisters; meantime; he was somewhat kinder than usual: as if afraid that mere coldness would not sufficiently convince me how pletely I was banished and banned; he added the force of contrast; and this I am sure he did not by force; but on principle。

The night before he left home; happening to see him walking in the garden about sunset; and remembering; as I looked at him; that this man; alienated as he now was; had once saved my life; and that we were near relations; I was moved to make a last attempt to
