首頁 > 遊戲競技 > flipped英文版第八章 > 第12部分

第12部分(第4/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 入住黃金庭院後,愛莉拉我直播重生做教練:我有實況無敵艦隊傳頌之名新還珠格格之人兒歸家海上冰路,我能召喚空投物資管夠浣碧在鈕祜祿氏做嫡女滬圈霸總說他後悔了第五人格:各自安好科幻武俠之星際劍俠傳雲閃富的生命盲盒之旅大明星的男友是農民魔神大人不要再做師尊了超限同步HP:斯萊特林貧困生從夢幻西遊開始的遊戲人生NBA模板麥迪,拯救籃網三巨頭迷霧求生:從昇華萬物開始無敵我若為星君為月直男超甜,男主瘋狂獻上女主劇本眉莊:純元不死你等不過爾爾

my desk and here's my window; and

right across the street from me is Juli; beating up a

bush。 Not conducive to concentration。 No siree; Bob。 I got all of zero homework done。

The next day at school I was trying to get up the nerve to say something to her; but I never

even got the chance。 She wouldn't let me get anywhere

near her。

Then on the ride home I had this thought。 It kind of freaked me out at first; but the more I

played with it; the more I figured that; yeah; helping her

with the yard would make up for my having been such a jerk。 Assuming she didn't boss me

too much; and assuming she didn't decide to get all

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gooey…eyed or something stupid like that。 No; I'd go up and just tell her that I felt bad for

being a jerk and I wanted to make it up to her by helping her

cut back some bushes。 Period。 End of story。 And if she still wanted to be mad at me after

that; then fine。 That was her problem。

My problem was; I never got the chance。 I came trekking down from the bus stop to find my

grandfather doing my good deed。

Now; jump back。 This was not something I could immediately absorb。 My grandfather did not

do yard work。 At least; he'd never offered to help

me out。 My grandfather lived in house slippers — where'd he get those work boots? And

those jeans and that flannel shirt — what was up with


I crouched be

